Wednesday, October 20, 2010

So Thankful!

"Has God trusted you with a silence - a silence that is big with meaning?  God's silences are His answers.  Just think of those days of absolute silence in the home at Bethany (when Jesus did not come at Mary and Martha's request, and Lazarus died)...His silence is the sign that He is bringing you into an even more wonderful understanding of Himself."  Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest

I have been in a spot of seeming silence from God lately.  I was beginning to feel discouraged, but then God sent me this amazing reminder today (via Oswald Chambers).  I'm learning that more than anything my desire is to know God intimately and there are times when silence is necessary.  It causes me to cling more closely to Him so that I'm ready to hear the moment the silence stops.

So thankful for His reminder today!


  1. I better pay attention to this passage--someone just emailed the same passage to me and now I am finding it here!

  2. Kelly - that happens to me all the time! God has a great way of getting my attention at just the right moment - I love that!
